
iPhone를위한 AudioRepeater - RepeatSeeking

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 1.9.3
  • 4.7

  • 보안 상태

Softonic 리뷰

오디오 반복 - 반복 검색

AudioRepeater is a music and audio file playback application for iPhone that allows users to quickly navigate to specific positions in a song and repeat only the desired part. With this app, users can easily add markers for easy repeat playback, making it useful for tasks such as language learning, ear-copying, and transcription.

To begin, users can create a playlist by accessing the Playlist screen and selecting songs from their iPod/iPhone library. The order of the songs can be adjusted in the Edit mode. Once the playlist is set, users can return to the main screen where the selected song will be analyzed and its audio waveform displayed.

During playback, users can tap on the waveform to change the playback position. This feature allows for precise navigation within the song. Additionally, users can add markers by double-tapping the waveform or using the "Add Marker" button. Markers can be moved or deleted as needed.

One of the standout features of AudioRepeater is the ability to repeat or skip playback between markers. By selecting the "Marker repeat" button, users can focus on specific sections of a song. The playback speed can also be adjusted using the tortoise and hare buttons, with the ability to reset to the default speed with a single click.

Furthermore, users have the option to change the length of music displayed per line, ranging from 5 seconds to 60 seconds, for a more customized viewing experience.

Overall, AudioRepeater - RepeatSeeking provides a convenient way to navigate and repeat specific parts of audio files and songs. It is a useful tool for various purposes, from language learning to transcription.

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iPhone를위한 AudioRepeater - RepeatSeeking

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 1.9.3
  • 4.7

  • 보안 상태

AudioRepeater - RepeatSeeking에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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